RS Colorants – Global Supplier

Vibrant Color Solutions for Your Industry: Discover RS Colorant

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Adding Color to Your World: Discover Our Wide Range of Products.

At RS Colorant, we’re dedicated to supplying top-notch colorants to our customers worldwide. Our extensive range of products includes pigments, acid dyes, basic dyes, solvent dyes, fluorescent dyes, and salt-free liquid dyes. Whether you’re looking for standard or customized solutions, our team is committed to providing you with the highest quality colorants available. Choose RS Colorant as your reliable and trusted supplier for all your colorant needs.


Finely-ground colored powders that provide long-lasting color to a variety of materials.

Acid Dyes

Water-soluble dyes that are commonly used to dye protein fibers like wool, silk, and nylon.

Basic Dyes

Cationic dyes that are used to dye materials like paper, acrylics, and synthetic fibers.

Solvent Dyes

Dyes that are soluble in organic solvents, commonly used in applications like plastics, fuels, and waxes.

Fluorescent Dyes

Dyes that emit bright, vivid colors when exposed to UV light, often used in applications like security inks, textiles, and biomedical imaging.

Salt Free Dyes

Liquid dyes that are free of salt and other impurities, commonly used in applications like inkjet printing, food coloring, and cosmetics.

We are industry leaders

As a leading supplier of pigments, dyes, and colorants, RS Colorant has established itself as a trusted name in the industry. Our commitment to quality, innovation, and customer service has helped us to stand out in a highly competitive market. With years of experience and a focus on meeting the needs of our customers, we’ve become a go-to supplier for industries ranging from textiles to plastics. Trust RS Colorant as your partner for all your colorant needs, and experience the difference that comes with working with an industry leader.

How we work

How Our Team of Experts Works​


Our team will work closely with you to understand your colorant needs, including the materials and applications you're working with.


We'll leverage our experience and expertise to provide customized solutions that meet your specific requirements and preferences.


Once your order is complete, we'll ensure that your colorants are shipped promptly and securely, arriving at your location on time and in perfect condition.

Customer reviews

What our customers are saying

Duis porta, ligula rhoncus euismod pretium, nisi tellus eleifend odio, luctus viverra sem dolor id sem. Maecenas a venenatis enim, quis porttitor magna. Etiam nec rhoncus neque.

Jose Fuller


Duis porta, ligula rhoncus euismod pretium, nisi tellus eleifend odio, luctus viverra sem dolor id sem. Maecenas a venenatis enim, quis porttitor magna. Etiam nec rhoncus neque.

Barbara Elliot


Duis porta, ligula rhoncus euismod pretium, nisi tellus eleifend odio, luctus viverra sem dolor id sem. Maecenas a venenatis enim, quis porttitor magna. Etiam nec rhoncus neque.

Marie Stewart


RS Colorants realizes that it is serving an ever-changing marketplace, therefore legislation and new development may cause the information contained here to require updating. We, therefore, request clients to re-check with their appropriate legislative authorities before using any of our products in their intended application, or you may write to us at our technical service department in Illinois, USA. Although based on our general experience, the information presented herein is believed to be reliable, RS Colorants makes no representation or guarantee as to the accuracy, completeness or reliability of the information. Due to various factors that are outside our control, we can not accept liability from reliance on this information for any circumstances.